Stephen Hillis, PhD
Research Professor
University of Iowa 157 MRF 55 Grand South Ave Iowa City, IA 52242
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Stephen Hillis has been a Research Professor in the Department of Radiology since 2012. His educational background includes a PhD in statistics and an MFA in music, both from the University of Iowa. He is the author of 97 peer-reviewed publications and 4 book chapters.  For the last 19 years his research has focused on developing statistical methods for analyzing radiologic diagnostic studies that involve human readers. He was introduced to this field in 1999 when he began working with Don Dorfman in the Dept. of Psychology at the University of Iowa.  After Don Dorfman's death in 2002, he continued working in the field with Kevin Berbaum in the Dept. of Radiology until his retirement in 2017. He has also worked with researchers from many other fields in his roles as Director of the Statistical Consulting Center at the University of Iowa from 1994-2002 and as Senior Statistician as the VA Medical Center in Iowa City from 2002-15.  He presently is the PI of the NIBIB grant “Generalized Obuchowski-Rockette Methodology for  Analysis of Radiologic Diagnostic Imaging Studies.”